Monday, August 5, 2019

Steadfast Spirits To Open Distillery And Tasting Room In Concord

NH Reviews just happened to stumble upon a new business that is a bit different from typical restaurant news.  Steadfast Spirits is opening a distillery and tasting room in Concord.

To start this story we have to go back to September of 2018 when the owners of Steadfast Spirits Distilling received a building permit to begin construction on a production facility.  Since then, they have been working and overcoming numerous challenges to bring Steadfast Spirits to life.

In March, they received a shipment of 9,200 pounds of grain that would become the base for the development of their future bourbon, whiskey, and moonshine products. Specific options for you to enjoy are expected to be American Whiskey, American Bourbon, American Rye, American Moonshine, and Troubles Moonshine Mixed Cocktails.

Our take on this venture is positive.  With brewers like Concord Craft and Litherman’s handling the demand for small-batch beer in the area, there seems to be an unmet opportunity for other types of alcohol that Steadfast Spirits Distillery hopes to satisfy.

Final preparations for their opening are finally underway with an estimate of sometime in September for service to begin.  Their location will be 134 Hall Street Unit H, Concord, NH, 03301.  NH Reviews wishes them all the best with their business.