Back in April of this year, Kincora Development submitted a preliminary site plan application to the City of Rochester for a large commercial development at 400 North Main Street. Of particular interest to NH Reviews, the proposal includes a 5,700 square foot sit down restaurant and a 2,700 square foot fast food restaurant with a drive-thru. The entire scope of the project is much larger with a total of 42, 400 square feet of commercial space.
On May 7th, a representative from Tighe & Bond made a presentation to the board to introduce the details. This included answering questions from the board about sidewalks and footpaths. Additionally, the egress from the Poulin dealership was also mentioned. Because this was a preliminary conceptual consultation, nothing discussed between the two parties would be binding.
NH Reviews called the planning board and we understand the next step is up to Kincora Development to provide a more formal proposal. They could not predict if or when this might happen but the process could take a long time. The meeting helps the applicant to gauge the type of concerns or objections they might receive from the board before taking a next more official step.
For our part, we hope the project moves forward. After all, a couple of additional new restaurants in Rochester would be welcome.
400 North Main Street
Rochester, NH