Thursday, April 25, 2019

Rhum Bar On The Way To Nashua

You may remember about a month ago when we announced that Fuego Bar and Grill had closed and was going to reopen under a different name.   The former owners brother and a friend were going to take over and there was no name until now.

According to a source,  the restaurant shall be called Rhum Bar located at 138 Main Street in Nashua.  It is our understanding that the menu will have Caribbean cuisine and a rum focused bar.

Thinking about their idea,  NH Reviews is reminded of a visit to Bermuda many years ago.  The sun, the food, and of course the drinks.  One spot in particular,  The Swizzle Inn was a favorite for specialty alcoholic beverages including the Dark and Stormy and their famous Rum Swizzle.    

As with any business there are challenges to overcome. Before Fuego went out,  Vietnamese Noodle House had closed after a long tenure.   Parking has been an issue here.  Public options are minimal with some on street and a small area just down the road.   Foot traffic may be their key to success and if Rhum offers decent food in a fun environment they should be able to attract their fair share of customers.  

We wish them the very best as they venture forth with their new dining endeavor.