Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fowl for the Thanksgiving dinner table

With the holiday season quickly approaching our thoughts turned to family. You might be expecting a review of a family appropriate restaurant or a list of our favorite family eateries for the season. Not today. We want you to think about something as you settle down to Thanksgiving dinner with those that you love. How do these people that share your DNA hold their utensils?

Yes, you read that correctly. Several months ago we gathered for an event with my wife’s family and she happened to comment on how I held my fork after I cut the protein on my plate. I looked at her like she had three heads and finally figured out what she meant. Apparently, I hold my fork in my left hand and my knife in my right like most people.

When I finish cutting the piece of food, I continue to hold the fork in my left hand.

Seeing that I use my right hand for everything she was perplexed. Conversely, after my wife cuts her piece of food, she puts down the knife and switches her fork to her right hand and takes a bite as I demonstrate below.

After a lively discussion we arrived at a conclusion, that we agree to disagree. I think it's crazy wasting valuable eating time while switching hands. Meanwhile she thinks I am a ravenous beast that cannot possibly take two seconds to eat properly.

With her family looking on in horror (a frequent occurrence), she posed the question to them as she wanted to be proven correct. Unfortunately for her, two people present were lefties so that had me in the lead by default. Coming to her rescue were her sister and father so we ended up in a tie.

Not one to ever admit defeat, she powered on and turned her attention to complete strangers. For the next several weeks whenever we went to dinner, she watched unsuspecting diners as they chomped away on their meals. Without any scientific data to support anything, she concluded that more women eat "American style" (aka – her way) while men ate "European style" (aka – my way).

Now it's your turn to be counted. After you cut your entree whether it be steak, turkey or something else do you move your fork back to your dominant hand to pick up the piece of food or do you keep it in your left hand like I do after cutting. Please take a minute to complete the survey below.

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